Our work in Doncaster has been hugely impacted by the pandemic and its aftermath.  Almost everything we do has changed – but our commitment to doing the best for young people remains.

We need the support of our local community now more than ever. Please do consider donating whatever you can via our online page. Details can be found below.

YMCA Doncaster is an independent registered charity.

Any funds donated directly to us will be used for the benefit of young people here in Doncaster. We’re very grateful for whatever you feel able to give in support of our work.

The simplest way to donate is via our online giving page – just click here.
Donating this way also helps us to keep admin to a minimum.

If you’re setting up an event or campaign to raise funds, please set up your online giving via the button below


If you’d prefer to send your donation by post, please click here for a donation form, enclose your donation and send to

Louise Roffey
YMCA Doncaster
Wood Street

Please make cheques payable to ‘Doncaster YMCA’.