Before You Begin

We will use the information that you provide to decide whether to invite you for interview. Please take your time and and complete the information to the best of your ability.

Your Application

We will ask you to provide your documents to show eligibility to work in the UK prior to starting work. Please note that we do not currently have a Sponsor Licence agreement from the Home Office.

Your Employment History

This section is for PAID employment only - please do not enter voluntary work in this section.
Please note that this information should be provided in full at application stage. We don't apply for references before interview.
Please note that this information should be provided in full at application stage. We don't apply for references before interview.
Please note that this information should be provided in full at application stage. We don't apply for references before interview.
We are unable to process applications where this information is missing or incomplete.

Your suitability for the position

Please use examples from your paid or voluntary work. Transferable skills are very welcome.

We will also use this section to score factors such as written communication and attention to detail.


An enhanced disclosure may also include police information and information about inclusion on barring lists for work with children and vulnerable people. The majority of our staff are employed in regulated activity and have regular unsupervised contact with children or young people. Further information is available at (search ‘Rehabilitation of Offenders’). Our policy is to consider all of the information in full prior to confirming an appointment. An offence disclosed by an applicant will not always lead to refusal of employment. If you have any questions specific to this section of your application only please email your questions to

Hours and arrangements

Personal data obtained from applicants during the recruitment process will be held securely by YMCA Doncaster. Information will be used solely for the purposes of selection for the post advertised. Other than for the successful applicant, no personal data provided in the course of the application (apart from that stored and processed as part of the YMCA's monitoring of Equal Opportunities) will be retained beyond eight months from the date from the last day of contact.

Adjustments (Not forming part of the selection process)

Aspects of our interview and selection process are carried out in various rooms, some of which involve stairs. Practical duties involved in each position are set out broadly in the relevant Job Description. We hold practical desk based assessments for positions including computer use, written communication or administration. A disability is defined as “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities”.