Stacey, our Accommodation Manager, writes about a young person enjoying Christmas in their first long term home.
Ivy has welcomed me into her home and we are sitting in her living room. She has ambitious ideas for how this will look and is excitedly explaining what changes she would like to make over the coming months. There is a gentle glow of the Christmas tree lights, and the smell of festive candles lingers in the air as we discuss Ivy’s progress over the last two years.
It’s been a long time coming, and if Ivy had been asked two years ago if she could see herself in this position, the answer would have been a resounding “No”.
Ivy describes her life before the YMCA as chaotic, revolving around alcohol and abusive relationships. She had moved long distance to be with a partner, but the relationship quickly broke down leaving Ivy not only feeling lost but also in desperate need of accommodation.
Ivy knew that she had to make big changes in her life, and that she could not continue as she was. She knew she needed some support to help her break this cycle, but was not sure where to turn. Whilst looking at other housing options, Ivy was informed of the accommodation at the YMCA by a friend. With limited other ideas, she submitted her application to the YMCA.
Three days before Christmas, Ivy was accepted at the YMCA and the next chapter of her life began.
Asked about her thoughts of the YMCA before moving in, Ivy noted that she “was a creature of habit, so the thought of moving into an unfamiliar place, surrounded by people I didn’t know was very intimidating’.
Despite this, Ivy quickly settled into life at the YMCA, becoming a favourite amongst staff and other residents alike. Ivy was always quick to give a helping hand, and was involved with various aspects of the YMCA, including showing new members of the staff team her room, setting up for Christmas and collecting books for the Relaxation Space – something she also helped decorate!
Ivy notes that being at the YMCA has unlocked a new sense of confidence and says this is in part to having a firm but fair Youth Support Coach. Ivy noted that whilst they were able to have a laugh, her Youth Support Coach pushed her to regain control and break down barriers to her own self-growth. She states that her only goal coming to the YMCA was to have her own place and does not think this would have been achievable without the support from the YMCA.
Ivy looks back on her time at the YMCA fondly and although the circumstances of her arrival are something she would rather not dwell on, Ivy recognises that she has achieved so much in such a short space of time – with her biggest achievements being around money management and confidence. Because of this, Ivy was able to save enough money to go on her first trip abroad.
Ivy is looking forward to continuing to make progress and notes that she was concerned about falling back into old habits when she found her own accommodation. Ivy expresses relief that this is not the case and is able to stick to a healthy routine. Ivy notes that she does not like to think about where she would have been without the YMCA, and that the support offered has been crucial to her being where she is now.
Having spent two Christmasses at the YMCA, Ivy is happy to finally be celebrating Christmas in her own flat – ultimately achieving the security of her own space that she has been searching for.
Ivy has big plans for her future, including learning how to drive.
For now, however, the gentle glow of the Christmas tree lights is enough.